In 2004 the Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs  [DEFRA] commissioned a review of methods for mole control in the United Kingdom prior to the withdrawal of the use of poison as a form of control. The report highlighted the need for new devices or modifications to existing devices to be made to provide for a more humane form of control.

In 2008 Jeff Nicholls Molecatcher working with top UK veterinary professionals sought to address this problem and following field testing made some simple changes to improve the existing Half Barrel mole trap.
This combined knowledge of animal  anatomy and extensive knowledge to control moles by trap use revealed that these small changes provided for the best, most effective form of mole control available.
Jeff originally worked with Jeremy Procter of Procter Bros who manufactured the changed designs, Procter Bros trap supplies was later sold but Jeff  continued to promote and maintain the simple changes to the Half- Barrel trap with the new suppliers Pest stop  and now with Talpa Products. 
For anyone working in animal management, it is central that any product is fit for purpose and in comparison to other mole traps, both current and new types being imported, the Talpa Products mole trap leads the field. 
The tried and tested original design remains and requires NO CHANGE to use and therefore continues to be a familiar product to both professional and amateurs alike. With so many mole traps available it is vital that you receive the best possible product, a product that will carryout the removal of any target mole as effectively and more importantly as humanely as possible.

No pegging down to prevent the target mole dragging the trap away for a prolonged suffering

No illegal stabbing actions, or intention to impale 

No indiscriminate strike as found in the actions of other devices

Originally designed by the Scottish Molecatcher John Newton Duffus, it was and remains the choice of the true British Molecatcher. 

Talpa Products are pleased to supply these improved mole traps at the best competitive prices, you will not only receive the finest and most humane mole trap currently available at a cost competitive with others of a lesser quality, but also be apart of the advancement for a better more efficient mole control in the United Kingdom.

The changes made to enhance the effectiveness were to simply increase the thickness of the trap body, strengthen the power in the springs, flatten the trap loop and to move the mumble pins towards the trap loops.

These changes are all incorporated in the Talpa Mole trap exactly as were originally made by Jeff Nicholls to existing Half-Barrel traps over 10 years ago and have been proven to provide the most humane change to mole control in the UK.

By using a trap with these changes you will have the knowledge that you are contributing to a better welfare for your target mole whilst under your direct control.

If traps are to continue to be used against a mole then it must be a constantly effective and humane form of control, if you are to use one style of mole trap- then it has to be this one.

Although many other styles of mole traps are available, Talpa Products only supply Half-Barrel traps for use against moles as we recognise many devices may from design or incorrect usage inflict possible suffering.

Talpa Products moles traps can be used direct from the box and requires NO alteration, NO extra tool for setting or any precautionary requirement to be tied with cord or pegging down to prevent loss from moles dragging traps away

Order your traps from our shop page click below 

Each Talpa Mole Trap comes boxed with instructions on how to set the trap and also directions for its use. 

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